16 October 2024

Clinical Validation of a Cell-Free DNA Fragmentome Assay for Augmentation of Lung Cancer Early Detection

(Cancer Discovery, IF: 29.7)

  • Peter J. Mazzone, Peter B. Bach, Jacob Carey, Caitlin A. Schonewolf, Katalin Bognar, Manmeet S. Ahluwalia, Marcia Cruz-Correa, David Gierada, Sonali Kotagiri, Kathryn Lloyd, Fabien Maldonado, Jesse D. Ortendahl, Lecia V. Sequist, Gerard A. Silvestri, Nichole Tanner, Jeffrey C. Thompson, Anil Vachani, Kwok-Kin Wong, Ali H. Zaidi, Joseph Catallini, Ariel Gershman, Keith Lumbard, Laurel K. Millberg, Jeff Nawrocki, Carter Portwood, Aakanksha Rangnekar, Carolina Campos Sheridan, Niti Trivedi, Tony Wu, Yuhua Zong, Lindsey Cotton, Allison Ryan, Christopher Cisar, Alessandro Leal, Nicholas Dracopoli, Robert B. Scharpf, Victor E. Velculescu, and Luke R. G. Pike


Abstract 摘要

Lung cancer screening via annual low-dose computed tomography has poor adoption. We conducted a prospective case–control study among 958 individuals eligible for lung cancer screening to develop a blood-based lung cancer detection test that when positive is followed by a low-dose computed tomography. Changes in genome-wide cell-free DNA fragmentation profiles (fragmentomes) in peripheral blood reflected genomic and chromatin characteristics of lung cancer. We applied machine learning to fragmentome features to identify individuals who were more or less likely to have lung cancer. We trained the classifier using 576 cases and controls from study samples and validated it in a held-out group of 382 cases and controls. The validation demonstrated high sensitivity for lung cancer and consistency across demographic groups and comorbid conditions. Applying test performance to the screening eligible population in a 5-year model with modest utilization assumptions suggested the potential to prevent thousands of lung cancer deaths.



Significance 意义

Lung cancer screening has poor adoption. Our study describes the development and validation of a novel blood-based lung cancer screening test utilizing a highly affordable, low-coverage genome-wide sequencing platform to analyze cell-free DNA fragmentation patterns. The test could improve lung cancer screening rates leading to substantial public health benefits.



这篇文章的重点是探讨和验证一种基于无细胞 DNAcfDNA)碎片组学的检测方法(称为 FirstLook Lung),用于改善肺癌的早期检测能力。以下是研究的主要亮点和分析:


1. 研究背景




尽管低剂量 CTLDCT)已被证明有效,但其筛查覆盖率和精确度仍有待提高。


研究团队希望通过 cfDNA 碎片组学方法提高检测的灵敏度和阴性预测值,从而补充现有的 CT 筛查方法。


2. 方法和实验设计




使用全基因组测序检测血液中 cfDNA 的碎片分布,以识别肺癌相关的基因组特征。


应用了机器学习模型分析 cfDNA 碎片的模式,进而预测个体的肺癌风险。


3. 关键发现


高灵敏度和阴性预测值:FirstLook Lung 检测的灵敏度为 80%,且阴性预测值(NPV)达到 99.8%。这意味着,对于测试结果为非阳性的个体,实际患肺癌的概率极低。


风险增量预测:研究显示,在低剂量 CT 检测的基础上,该检测能够进一步提高肺癌早期发现的准确性,使得筛查阳性个体患癌风险提升5.5




4. 临床意义




该检测方法简单易行,仅需抽血即可完成,因此具有普遍推广的潜力,可作为传统低剂量 CT 检测的有效补充手段。


研究强调了 cfDNA 碎片组学在非侵入性癌症检测中的应用前景,尤其是在提高筛查准确性方面。


5. 局限性与未来研究


尽管结果显示出良好的敏感性和特异性,该检测方法尚未获得 FDA 批准,未来仍需进一步的前瞻性研究验证其长期效果。




总体来说,该研究展示了 cfDNA 碎片组学在肺癌早期检测中的潜力,有助于提高现有筛查方法的效率,并可能显著改善肺癌患者的早期治疗机会